Too bad our governments set up innumerable barriers to entry to make most of my ideas impossible to implement. The rest of my ideas require more money and programming skills than I have. I could probably be in a position to take care of the latter, if the barriers to entry our governments impose did not prevent me from doing the things I can actually do.
So let us not conflate society and government. Or government and the economy. Government is only good at killing people and breaking things – or putting people in prison. Leave it, then, to those things. It should otherwise leave us alone so we can finally prosper without distortionary bubbles.
We live in a time where the government plays a big role in an effort to help lead us out this Great Recession.
You don’t need to start a business. Get a first job. Then get a second job. Work from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, and then work some more.
Do what you have to. There are lots of jobs out there. Just people are high and mighty and don’t want to work at menial jobs. Guess what? You have to start (again) somewhere.
Recently German billionares asked why Americans are so proud of the fact that they are so philantropical
Mark Cuban, we need jobs, and we both agree on being patriotic. Read the rest of this entry »