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Board Appreciation Ideas for Nonprofits

by beckyz77

Board members devote endless hours, resources and energy to represent, champion and support their nonprofits. Your organization wouldn’t exist without them. This is why it’s vital to express your gratitude for their efforts. Not only does it create an attitude of gratitude and appreciation, but it also increases their engagement and willingness to keep supporting your cause.

Making the effort to write an individual card shows you are truly concerned about the needs of your board member and desires. You can also make it more personal than a standard greeting card because you can provide details www.boardroom-online.net/best-business-bank-accounts-for-llc/ about the member’s work and even address them personally.

A thoughtful gift is an excellent method of showing your gratitude. For example an mug for travel or a cooler that is reusable is a great and unique gift idea for school board members that can remind them of their significant contribution to the community.

Another option is hosting an event that is exclusive to your volunteer board members. It could be a virtual or in-person event that allows your board to celebrate their achievements together. You can also highlight their accomplishments in a news story or social media shoutout as a successful way to draw attention to the amazing work they do.

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