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Artist, Author, and Advisor

The Importance of Understanding Information Technologies

by beckyz77

A thorough understanding of information technology is vital to personal and professional success. Information technology is a vast field that includes computer hardware, software, and networks. Its applications are widespread and are interwoven with our lives. Information technology can enhance productivity, decision-making, and innovation.

Information technology is used by people to stay in touch with family members via email manage their finances and investments with online banking and spreadsheet software, monitor medical conditions using the World Wide Web, pursue hobbies such as genealogy, using specialist software, or find employment through online job listings. People also use IT to research information about candidates for public office and other issues, and to communicate with their government representatives and elected officials.

Information technology has revolutionized how businesses function and how quickly they can process information. It is now simpler and faster for businesses to gather data and transform it into valuable business information, and make it available to staff members and outside stakeholders on a need-to-know basis.

IT automation automates manual processes, reducing the need for humans to be involved. A reliable and accurate information is required to make tactical and strategic business decisions. For example the system in which IT stores invoices must include correct billing addresses so that it can prepare monthly bills and provide customers with the correct information when they call customer service.


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